selling in
nine steps

Just say the word, and our team will get started!

1 – discovery & research
I will tour your home and give my insights on what will help your sale. We will discuss the process and develop initial marketing strategies.

2 – listing appointment
We discuss the value of your home, review the calendar of expectations, sign documents and enter into contract. You’re ready to list!

3 – pre-launch
All of our marketing materials are collected. From photography to lock boxes on your home, I make sure everything is prepared for launch day.

4 – launch day
It’s time! Your home’s profile is posted online. A yard sign is placed on your property. Any and all marketing materials we’ve agreed upon will be rolled out.

5 – sales agreement
Once an offer has been made, we will review all terms and conditions and respond as needed. 

6 – inspections
Your buyer will probably hire an inspector to review your home. The inspector is likely to recommend repairs or upgrades and we will negotiate on your behalf.

7 – loan commitment
The buyer’s loan is underwritten and appraisal is performed. All buyer’s documentation is verified and we wait for approval.

8 – closing preparation
The lender’s requirements have been met and the documents have been ordered. Closing has been scheduled. The buyer has a final walk through of your home usually 24 hours prior to closing.

9 – closing
The last step! Documents are signed, keys are exchanged and proceeds received. You may cancel your utilities and insurance. I am there to help after the sale of your home – whenever you need me!


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Jackson Miller


interior designer // owner

Jackson Miller

I believe that every design is personal. The connection we have with clients determines how the projects will look at the end of the design process. We must understand the clients and bond with them, be a part of their dream. Their dream is our dream.

Rene Walker


Molly Dunn


James Dixon
