
Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions from sellers. If you have additional questions, please reach out directly.

  • How much is my home worth?

    Jessica utilizes past sales and market knowledge to give you the most accurate idea of how much your home is worth. Contact Jessica for your free market evaluation and marketing plan.

  • How long will it take to sell my home?

    This all depends on the current market in which you list. However, Jessica will take all the steps to make your home sell quickly and for maximum profit. To sign up for Neighborhood News in your town click here.

  • How will my home be marketed?

    Your home will receive a custom marketing plan tailored to your home specifically. Basics include professional photography, YouTube advertising, exposure on the MLS and popular third-party real estate sites, Coldwell Banker single-property website, targeted online social media advertising, a “for sale” sign with mobile brochure, and sharing your property with our extensive network of agents and buyers.

  • Can I buy a home and sell mine at the same time?

    Absolutely. You can work with Jessica to buy your dream home while selling your current one to help make the transition between selling and buying as smooth as possible.

  • When should I sell my home?

    Sometimes the market favors buyers while other times the market favors sellers. Either way, Jessica can make recommendations to ensure your house is listed perfectly and ready for offers. To sign up for Local Market Insights in your town click here.

  • Why should I use a Realtor?

    Jessica will guide you through every step of the sale process. She will handle inspections, negotiations, paperwork and much more. Learn more about the selling process by clicking here.

  • Should we have Open Houses?

    Open Houses are a great opportunity to maximize exposure of your home and are popular with unrepresented buyers who could otherwise miss out.

  • What steps should I take to prepare my home for sale?

    Prepared homes sell 87% faster than other homes. From staging to professional photography your home will be market at its absolute best attracting more buyers. For home preparation tips click here.

rise to the top

sell faster

Digital Ads, Print Ads, Social Media and more! Every home is special. Let Jess market your home’s uniqueness and bring you quality buyers.

count on me


Always act in good faith, respond to emails and calls promptly, closely track deadlines, and adhere to your instructions and concerns.

hire a professional

expert negotiation

Negotiate the best price & terms available, always keeping your specific needs in mind.


Let's have a chat

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